Top 6 Ways to Improve Your Wellness at Home

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Ways to Improve Your Wellness At Home

Indubitably, we all know that health and wellness are important and something we should take seriously. Perhaps every New Year’s Eve, you plan to do so. But maybe you didn’t realize just how beneficial health and wellness can be. A healthy lifestyle has been proven to aid in increased energy, greater mental wellness, an increase in productivity, fewer visits to the doctor, and an increase in happiness and positivity, among other amazing perks. 

Even if the calendar doesn’t read January 1, you can still make fitness and health a priority and start experiencing the life-altering benefits of a healthy lifestyle. And Orange County Pools and Spas is here to help you and cheer you on as you do! These are our top six ways to improve your wellness at home.

1. Keep Fitness Fun with a Backyard Court

One of the best ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle over a long period of time is to find a way to exercise that you enjoy. When you’re having fun, the work of exercise turns into play and you find yourself wanting to enjoy it more often. Having a home court in your backyard makes fitness fun and convenient. You can choose from a variety of court sports to play, including basketball, pickleball, tennis, roller hockey, volleyball, and more! Playing sports on your backyard court is also a great way to spend time with your family and pursue a healthy lifestyle together.

2. Improve Mental and Physical Wellness with a Spa

Most people associate hot tubbing with being a grand way to relax and escape from the stressor in life. While this is true, a Wellis® Hot Tub is so much more! It is an excellent wellness tool that aids in both mental and physical health. With regular hot tub use, you can experience increased circulation and heart health, lower blood pressure, reduced joint and muscle pains, decreased fatigue, lowered stress levels, greater flexibility, increased energy and productivity, better sleep, and a stronger immune system, among other incredible hot tub benefits. Increase your physical and mental wellness with a Wellis Hot Tub!

3. Experience the Wellness Benefits of a Massage Chair

Your to-do list is long, your plate is full, and you’re busy as a bee. Counteract the burden these idioms express with an Infinity® Massage Chair. Have a seat in your massage chair to experience solace and mental calmness while the chair purposefully and effectively works on your muscles from head to toe. The benefits of regular massage chair use include deep tissue and muscle rejuvenation, increased circulation, relaxation, reduced stress, a better night’s sleep, and more!  Use your massage chair when you first wake up, when you get home from work, after working out, right before bed, or all of the above! Experience increased whole-body wellness with an Infinity Massage Chair.

4. Get it All with a Swim Spa

I really enjoy swimming for exercise, but I also like the wellness benefits of a hot tub. If only there was a tool that allowed you to do both. 

I want to exercise but my joints hurt when I try to run, bike, walk, etc.

I would like to exercise but I don’t have much time.

Enter: Wellis® Swim Spa

Yes, it’s true! A swim spa is the complete wellness package. Start by enjoying all the benefits of a hot tub by soaking in the spa portion of your swim spa. Then, you and your family can swim in the pool portion of your swim spa for fun family time together. For exercise, you can use the even flow current to swim, walk, run, aquabike, row, and more. Adjust the speed, intensity, and duration for a customized wellness experience. Or choose from six training programs: endurance, cardio, lap, transition, power, or personalized. 

Thanks to water’s natural resistance and buoyancy, exercising in your swim spa gives you a unique and highly effective workout. Is joint pain a problem? Low-impact swim spa exercise is perfect for you! Short on time? Working out in your swim spa is effective and efficient. Even a short session is very beneficial for your wellness. Enjoy the long list of amazing benefits with a swim spa.

5. Wellness Benefits of a Sauna

Invest in your wellness with a Clearlight® Sauna. Even people in ancient times knew that saunas had excellent effects on your body and mind. Regularly using a sauna can decrease cortisol levels, the hormone known to make us feel stressed, while increasing endorphins, the hormone known to make us feel happy. Additionally, sauna use can flush toxins out of your body, improve skin appearance and health, aid in workout recovery, help alleviate the symptoms of a cold or allergies, help prevent sickness by boosting your immune system, and help you sleep better. Regularly using a sauna has even been shown to help you lose weight.

6. Increase Healthy Eating with a Grill

They say you can’t outrun your fork. A habit of exercise and the pursuit of physical and mental wellness should be coupled with a balanced diet. Healthy eating will make you feel better, aid in better athletic performances, and ensure your body receives what it needs to function properly. For healthy yet tasty meals, turn to the wonderful Louisiana® Pellet Grill! Using natural hardwood pellets, Louisiana Grills are simple to use and cook juicy, tender, delicious meats every time! You can even cook yummy veggies, sides, bread, and healthy desserts using your pellet grill.

For a healthy alternative to your favorite cheat meal, fire up an XO® Pizza Oven. Made in Italy, these pizza ovens create authentic and delicious handmade pizzas. Even though you’re eating pizza, the homemade version with fresh ingredients is healthier than the store-bought version. You can also substitute low sodium sauce, whole wheat dough, reduced fat cheese, and turkey pepperoni and sausage as healthier options.

Today is the best time to start pursuing health and making your wellness a priority. To learn more about any of these products, contact our team at Orange County Pools and Spas today! Or visit one of our locations in New Windsor and Mohegan Lake. We have hot tubs, swim spas, grills, and more in stock and ready to deliver to you. Improve your wellness at home with Orange County Pools and Spas!

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