Is It Best to Use the Sauna Before or After a Workout?

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Is It Best to Use the Sauna Before or After a Workout?

Working out takes discipline, determination, and a little sacrifice. This means you want to get the most out of your workout in order to maximize the time and effort you put into your exercise. One of the best ways to make your workout go farther is by using a sauna. But, is it best to use a sauna before or after a workout? The truth is, both are excellent options and will prove to be a massive benefit to your exercise and your health and wellness in general. Let’s explore the benefits of both so you can determine which might be best for you.

Benefits of BEFORE Your Workout

Using a sauna before your workout, for even just 10 minutes, can be an excellent way to prepare your body for exercise. Being in a sauna increases your heart rate and body temperature, allowing your body to warm up. While this should replace your exercise-based warm-up, it can do an excellent job of readying your body. It can also loosen and relax stiff muscles throughout your body. Loose muscles can help you maximize your workout with greater gains, while also helping to prevent injury. 

If you work out first thing in the morning, it can be a great way to help your body wake up before exercise. For those that work out at later times of the day, it can help you put the day’s stressors or to-do list aside. It can also be a great way to mentally focus and get amped up for your workout. For your safety, be sure to hydrate adequately throughout the day so that losing liquids before your workout does not cause concern before your workout.

Benefits of AFTER Your Workout

Also, consider stepping into your sauna after your workout. The dry, warm heat can be relaxing and rejuvenating for both your mind and body after exercise. Sauna use increases circulation throughout the body, sending oxygen-rich blood to the muscles and joints that just got worked out. This can help greatly with muscle recovery, reduce post-workout muscle tightness, and reduce soreness, including DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). Increased circulation can also help to remove lactic acid, waste, or other unwanted build-up in the muscles.

Keep in mind, after your workout, your body is warm before you even begin your sauna session. Pay close attention to your body’s cues and exit immediately if you begin to feel lightheaded, dizzy, and nauseous.

How to Choose Before or After the Workout

Using a sauna at any time of day is highly beneficial for your health and wellness. Choosing before or after your workout may come down to your schedule and personal preference. Regardless of which you decide, we recommend that you hydrate sufficiently before and after your sauna session (and your workout), and keep track of your time to not overexert your body. 

Whether you choose to use your sauna before or after your workout, the best sauna to get the job done is the impressive Clearlight® Sauna. With a Clearlight Sauna, you get the very best in quality, innovation, infrared technology, energy efficiency, and results. Learn more about Clearlight and the benefits of infrared sauna by contacting Orange County Pools and Spas today. Get yours today to not only maximize your workout but also to improve your overall fitness and wellness. Contact us today!

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