How’s That Beach Body Coming? Whip It Into Shape Fast with a Swim Spa

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How’s that beach body coming? Whip it into shape fast with a swim spa

By this time of year, New Year’s resolutions have come and gone for most. But with warm weather approaching, it’s time to think about fitness and swim season. Are you ready for pool and beach season? How’s that beach body coming? Whip it into shape fast with a swim spa. Here are some of the ways a Wellis® swim spa can help you reach your summer goals just in time for warm weather.


Cardiovascular exercise is a great first step in developing a fitness routine. Increasing your heart rate through exercise increases the health of your heart, circulation, and lungs along with overall whole body wellbeing. Even better, using a swim spa allows for low-impact cardiovascular workouts. This means your joints don’t have to absorb the shock and prevents long-term wear on your body. In a swim spa, you can swim, run, walk, and more! Make cardio fun and beneficial with a swim spa.

Strength Training

Strengthen your muscles with a swim spa! Simply use the natural resistance of the water against your body or add accessories such as aquatic dumbbells or fins. Create a strength training routine for upper body and lower body exercises to be feeling stronger and healthier in no time! 


Increasing your core strength is a great way to lose winter fluff and make you feel confident for swimsuit season. Core exercises can be done daily and will increase overall body movement and wellness. Core exercises can include leg tucks, crunches, and trunk twists. You can modify nearly any core exercise you do on dry land to be done in your swim spa. Also, swimming or walking in the current of your swim spa does a great job engaging your core muscles as well.


Stretching is an important part of preparing for and recovering from a workout. When doing so in a swim spa, you have the added element of water buoyancy and the feeling of weightlessness. This allows you to increase your range of motion and get the most out of stretching.

Rest and Relax

An important piece to fitness and wellness is taking time to rest and relax. In your Wellis swim spa, sit back in the ergonomically designed seats that contour perfectly to your body. Then enjoy the many amazing massage jets placed for the ideal hydromassage experience. Slowing down to relax allows your body to stay healthy for your fitness routine.

Get Beach Body Ready in a Swim Spa

Go ahead and plan that beach trip! You will be ready in no time to sport your new bathing suit and enjoy your vacation. Get your mind and body ready for swimsuit season with a swim spa. Give us a call at Orange County Pools and Spas to learn more about the many amazing features of Wellis swim spas and our affordable swim spa costs. Order yours today to get started with your beach body workouts! Contact us today!

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